10-Days Weather Forecast of Kalakadu block of Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu

We provide the most accurate weather forecast for Kalakadu block of Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu for the upcoming ten days, directly sourced from the India Meteorological Department.

Rainfall Information: A total of 113.4 mm of rainfall expected in the coming week.

Here's the day-to-day breakdown of the weather forecast:

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

26.0 °C

Rainfall Icon



50.5 mm

12-03-2025, Wednesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 26.0 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 21.9 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 89% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 66%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 6.8 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

26.2 °C

Rainfall Icon



11.5 mm

13-03-2025, Thursday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 26.2 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 21.6 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 97% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 63%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 3.6 kilometres per hour.

Generally Cloudy
Temperature Icon

31.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.3 mm

14-03-2025, Friday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 31.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 21.6 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 95% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 49%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.2 kilometres per hour.

Partly Cloudy
Temperature Icon

32.8 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.2 mm

15-03-2025, Saturday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 32.8 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 21.8 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 97% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 48%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 3.3 kilometres per hour.

Generally Cloudy
Temperature Icon

32.4 °C

Rainfall Icon



1.1 mm

16-03-2025, Sunday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 32.4 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 21.9 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 95% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 43%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.5 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

31.7 °C

Rainfall Icon



6.4 mm

17-03-2025, Monday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 31.7 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 22.6 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 89% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 41%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.3 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

29.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



13.6 mm

18-03-2025, Tuesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 29.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 22.6 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 83% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 43%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.8 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

29.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



9.1 mm

19-03-2025, Wednesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 29.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 22.1 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 81% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 47%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 3.6 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

29.8 °C

Rainfall Icon



8.6 mm

20-03-2025, Thursday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 29.8 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 22.1 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 80% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 44%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.6 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

29.4 °C

Rainfall Icon



12.1 mm

21-03-2025, Friday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 29.4 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 22.2 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 77% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 45%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.5 kilometres per hour.

Weekly Weather Outlook

Stay informed about the weather for your agricultural activities. Here’s the summary:

  • Minimum Temperature: 22.04 °C
  • Maximum Temperature: 29.91 °C
  • Rainfall Potential: 11.34 mm
  • Humidity Levels: Max 88.3%, Min 48.9%