10-Days Weather Forecast of Makhu block of Firozepur district of Punjab

We provide the most accurate weather forecast for Makhu block of Firozepur district of Punjab for the upcoming ten days, directly sourced from the India Meteorological Department.

Rainfall Information: A total of 1.6 mm of rainfall expected in the coming week.

Here's the day-to-day breakdown of the weather forecast:

Mainly Clear
Temperature Icon

21.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



1.1 mm

05-02-2025, Wednesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 21.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 8.9 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 87% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 36%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 4.7 kilometres per hour.

Clear Sky
Temperature Icon

21.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.0 mm

06-02-2025, Thursday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 21.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 8.1 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 86% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 34%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 6.2 kilometres per hour.

Clear Sky
Temperature Icon

21.7 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.0 mm

07-02-2025, Friday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 21.7 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 7.5 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 58% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 26%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 9.0 kilometres per hour.

Partly Cloudy
Temperature Icon

21.9 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.0 mm

08-02-2025, Saturday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 21.9 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 7.7 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 53% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 25%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 8.4 kilometres per hour.

Partly Cloudy
Temperature Icon

23.2 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.0 mm

09-02-2025, Sunday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 23.2 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 8.6 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 54% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 24%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 5.6 kilometres per hour.

Partly Cloudy
Temperature Icon

23.2 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.0 mm

10-02-2025, Monday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 23.2 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 9.2 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 69% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 30%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 4.5 kilometres per hour.

Mainly Clear
Temperature Icon

24.7 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.1 mm

11-02-2025, Tuesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 24.7 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 9.2 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 69% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 29%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 6.3 kilometres per hour.

Mainly Clear
Temperature Icon

24.2 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.3 mm

12-02-2025, Wednesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 24.2 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 8.9 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 69% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 32%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 5.4 kilometres per hour.

Clear Sky
Temperature Icon

23.8 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.1 mm

13-02-2025, Thursday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 23.8 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 8.8 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 72% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 28%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 3.1 kilometres per hour.

Clear Sky
Temperature Icon

24.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.0 mm

14-02-2025, Friday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 24.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 7.4 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 69% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 25%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 7.1 kilometres per hour.

Weekly Weather Outlook

Stay informed about the weather for your agricultural activities. Here’s the summary:

  • Minimum Temperature: 8.43 °C
  • Maximum Temperature: 23.05 °C
  • Rainfall Potential: 0.16 mm
  • Humidity Levels: Max 68.6%, Min 28.9%

List of Gram Panchayats under Makhu Block in Firozepur

Akbar Wala
Alle Wala
Ami Wala
Amir Shah Wala
Araji Sabhra
Asaf Wala
Baba Amar Singh Wala
Bahar Wali
Baj Singh Nagar
Basti Assa Singh
Basti Bure Wali
Basti Chamb
Basti Darshan Singh
Basti Garib Singh
Basti Ghuvindian
Basti Kime Wali
Basti Lal Singh
Basti Namdev
Basti Raj Singh
Basti Ranga Singh
Basti Sadha Singh
Basti Sawan Singh
Basti Shame Wali
Basti Sodhian
Basti Ujjagar Singh
Basti Wasawa Singh
Behak Fatthu
Behak Pashorian
Behak Walait Shah
Bhupe Wala
Boote Wala
Buh Gujaran
Burj Mohammad Shah
Canal Colony Makhu
Chak Khanna
Chak Mahrana
Chak Mahrana New
Chak Manu Machi
Chak Tibbi Ranga
Chotiyan Chakian
Dib Wala
Dine Ke
Fatte Wala
Fattehgarh Sabra
Femi Wala
Game Murade Wala
Gatta Badshah
Gatti Harike
Ghuddu Wala
Hamad Wala Hitar
Hashmat Wala
Jagge Wala
Jalle Wala
Jamali Wala
Jattan Wali
Jham Ke
Jhanda Bagga Nawa
Joge Wala
Kamal Wala
Killi Bodla
Killi Gudha
Kot Kaim Khan
Lallu Wala
Lehera Bet
Malang Shah Wala
Malhe Wala
Malle Wala
Mallu Walie Wala
Mandar Shera
Mange Wala
Manu Machi
Maste Wala
Mauj Garh
Mehmud Wala
Mohamad Shah Wala
Mohkam Wala Urf Arian Wala
Mor Kassu Wala
Mundi Churi Maran
Nihal Ke
Nizamdin Wala
Pir Mohammad
Qutab Pura
Rode Jalle Wala
Roshan Shah Wala
Rukane Wala
Saddar Wala
Saraf Ali Shah
Shihan Pari
Sile Wind
Talwandi Nipalan
Tibbi Arian
Tibbi Taiban
Walayat Shah Wala
Wara Kili Raun
Waras Wala Jattan
Wattu Bhatti