10-Days Weather Forecast of Wagoora block of Baramulla district of Jammu & Kashmir

We provide the most accurate weather forecast for Wagoora block of Baramulla district of Jammu & Kashmir for the upcoming ten days, directly sourced from the India Meteorological Department.

Rainfall Information: A total of 112.9 mm of rainfall expected in the coming week.

Here's the day-to-day breakdown of the weather forecast:

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

4.7 °C

Rainfall Icon



11.4 mm

21-02-2025, Friday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 4.7 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is -1.1 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 87% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 68%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 1.5 kilometres per hour.

Partly Cloudy
Temperature Icon

6.7 °C

Rainfall Icon



2.1 mm

22-02-2025, Saturday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 6.7 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is -1.9 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 78% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 50%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 1.5 kilometres per hour.

Mainly Clear
Temperature Icon

8.2 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.1 mm

23-02-2025, Sunday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 8.2 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is -0.8 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 70% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 45%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 0.8 kilometres per hour.

Partly Cloudy
Temperature Icon

9.8 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.1 mm

24-02-2025, Monday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 9.8 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is -0.8 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 64% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 42%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 1.8 kilometres per hour.

Generally Cloudy
Temperature Icon

10.5 °C

Rainfall Icon



0.4 mm

25-02-2025, Tuesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 10.5 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 0.8 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 67% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 49%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 1.5 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

9.0 °C

Rainfall Icon



11.6 mm

26-02-2025, Wednesday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 9.0 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 2.1 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 81% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 54%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.3 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

6.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



24.2 mm

27-02-2025, Thursday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 6.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 3.6 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 85% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 76%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 1.8 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

8.8 °C

Rainfall Icon



28.3 mm

28-02-2025, Friday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 8.8 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 3.2 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 85% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 68%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.9 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

7.6 °C

Rainfall Icon



17.2 mm

01-03-2025, Saturday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 7.6 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 2.0 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 80% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 64%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 2.2 kilometres per hour.

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

10.1 °C

Rainfall Icon



17.5 mm

02-03-2025, Sunday

Rainfall: 0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature: likely to be 10.1 °Celsius and Minimum temperature is 4.2 °Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity: likely to be 84% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 65%.

Wind Speed: may go up to 6.2 kilometres per hour.

Weekly Weather Outlook

Stay informed about the weather for your agricultural activities. Here’s the summary:

  • Minimum Temperature: 1.13 °C
  • Maximum Temperature: 8.2 °C
  • Rainfall Potential: 11.29 mm
  • Humidity Levels: Max 78.1%, Min 58.1%